Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Comparative Study Between Flowable High Strength Mortar and Flowing High Strength Concrete

Mahyuddin Ramli, Eethar Thanon Dawood

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This paper presents the results of an investigation aimed to evaluate the comparison between high strength flowing concrete (HSFC) and high strength flowable mortar (HSFM) from the view of density, compressive strength and flexural strength at the age of 7 and 28 days. The results illustrate that the use of Silica fume (10 % as a partial replacement of cement) and superplasticizer (1.6- 2.2% of cementitious materials) gives the properties of high flowability with the high strength for each of concrete and mortar mixes. Besides, the compressive strength and flexural strength for each of mortar and concrete have been enhanced by the inclusion of silica fume.


flowing concrete; flowable mortar; high strength; silica fume; superplasticizer


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