Effectiveness of high performance mortar reinforced with fibers as a repair material
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2017.02.001
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The present work deals with engineering properties of high performance mortar (HPM) to be used as a repair material. The experimental study was conducted on HPM reinforced with mono steel fibers and hybrid fibers consist of steel and polypropylene fibers. The economical efficiency of the designed mono and hybrid fibers reinforced mortar were presented. The results indicate that the hybridization of 1.8% steel fibers and 0.2% polypropylene fibers is very beneficial to decrease the production cost of fiber reinforced mortar for large scale construction project applications. The combined system of substrate concrete with different mixes of HPM was used to study its bond strength properties. The experimental tests are: two-part bond strength tests in additional to three part-bond strength tests. It was found that HPM reinforced by hybrid fibers has the best performance when two-part bond strength is required. On the other hand, in three parts bonding, the combined system of NC with epoxy has the best bond strength while HPM reinforced fibers show a better failure mode.
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