Reviews | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Properties of Portland cement concrete cast with magnetized water: a review

Mariam Farouk Ghazy, Metwally Abd Allah Abd Elaty, Omar Hussein Khalifa

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The water utilized in concrete manufacture plays an important role within the concrete mix, beginning from controlling the process of hydration of cement, besides appropriate curing to achieve the required strength, not to mention controlling the workability and durability of the concrete structure. The utmost significant challenge for concrete technology is to improve the properties of concrete. Nowadays, the engineering field needs to produce structures in harmony with the concept of sustainable development through the utilization of high-performance materials with an eco-friendly impact that is produced at a low-cost. The magnetic water (MW) provides one of the utmost towards this objective. The cost of magnetizing water is low because of the simple instruments used and the cost can be adapted to the scale of the work. In the last two decades, a new technology, so-called MW technology, has been extended to use in concrete manufacturing. Therefore, currently, the researchers are interested in the use of MW in the manufacture of cementitious materials helping to rationalize the cement usage and reducing reliance on chemical additives that have a negative environmental impact. Consequently, this paper presents the effect of the magnetization process in the structure of water molecules, the main properties of water. Additionally, the effect of using MW on the fresh and mechanical properties, as well as the durability characteristics and performance of cementitious materials have been reviewed. Moreover, the factors that affect the magnetization process of water, which highlighted discuss in this study. The results revealed that using MW significantly enhances the flowability and the characteristic strengths of cementitious materials as well as the durability properties.


magnetized water; magnetization factors; workability; mechanical properties; concrete durability; sulfuric acid attack


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