Effect and optimization of incorporation of nano-SiO2 into cement-based materials – a review
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2022.01.004
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Incorporation of nanomaterials into cement-based materials has great potentials to improve their performance to great levels and to produce construction materials with superior and unique properties. Various nanoparticles have been utilized in cementitious composites to improve their properties. This paper provides a detailed review about the effect of the most widely incorporated nanomaterial into cement-based materials, namely nano-silica, on different on properties of cement-based materials. The investigated properties are mechanical properties (compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength), durability parameters (permeability, freeze and thaw resistance, high temperature resistance, fire resistance and sulfate attack resistance) and microstructural properties of mortar and concrete. The cost effectiveness of use of nano-silica in cement-based materials is also discussed. The optimum replacement percentage of cement with this nanomaterial to improve the performance of mortar and concrete is also investigated. The investigation showed that nano-silica has the ability to enhance the mechanical properties, durability and microstructural properties of concrete and mortar to a remarkable level. It also showed that the optimum content of nano-silica in concrete and mortar is 1.0-4.0% by weight of binder materials.
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