Chemical resistance of hardened mortar containing andesite and marble industry waste powder
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The sludge generated during forming processes of marble and andesite rocks is kept in dust form after drying. Due to the high consumption of andesite and marble, the storage and health problems of these dusts arise. Therefore, reducing the environmental impacts of waste and recovering them for the economy is an important issue. For this purpose, in this work, mortar specimens were manufactured using 0%, 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% of waste marble and andesite powders separately by Portland cement. Strength properties of the samples were investigated before and after immersion to the hydrochloric acid (HCl), sodium sulfate (Na2SO4) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) solutions. The results indicated that partial substitution of Portland cement by andesite and marble powder up to 10% have positive influence on the mechanical properties of the mortars at ambient conditions. In addition, the andesite incorporated mortars have the better performance under the acid and sulfate environments than the other mortars. On the other hand, substitution of Portland cement by marble powder more than 5% has negative influence on the chemical resistance of the mortars.
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