Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

A study on seismic isolation of building used LRB

Muhammet Yurdakul, Mehmet Burak Yıldız

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Base isolation system with lead rubber bearing (LRB) is commonly used to prevent structure against to damage of earthquake. Design of LRB system is detailed in this study. The isolated building with LRB design according to Uniform Building Code (UBC-97) and fixed building were examined. The six-storey building with LRB and fixed building were modelled in SAP2000 with the same dynamic loads. The relative floor displacement and internal forces of the seismic isolated and fixed building are compared. In addition, transverse and longitudinal reinforcement of any axis of seismic isolated and fixed building are compared. Analyse results showed that effectiveness of using seismic isolation system on building. The weight of longitudinal and transverse reinforcement of isolated building is smaller than fixed building about 36%, 40% respectively.


base isolation; lead rubber bearing; dynamic analysis; isolator design


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