L-shaped reinforced concrete retaining wall design: cost and sizing optimization
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjsmec.2020.03.005
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In the context of this study, the design of L-shaped reinforced concrete retaining walls have been scrutinized parametrically depending on the simultaneous analysis of cost and sizing with the use of a recent optimization algorithm. The differences and restrictions of L-shaped reinforced concrete retaining wall design than classical T-shaped walls have been also discussed. The foundation width and the thickness of the wall required for a safe design has been also investigated according to the change of excavation depth, the type of soil dominating field and the external loading conditions. The observed results from optimization analyses shows that the variation of the shear strength angle is the most significant soil geotechnical parameter for supplying an envisaged safe design against sliding, overturning and adequate bearing capacity. Concurrently, the excavation depth is the most important factor that is forming the necessity of the construction of the retaining structure and optimal dimension evaluation. It is also proved that the wall foundation width is the most effected dimension of the retaining structures by the change of design parameters and the cost difference is directly influenced by the change of sizing. A cost-effective wall design can be performed with the use of proposed optimization analysis is capable in a shorter time than the traditional methods. Eventually, it has shown that such optimization methods may be useful to find the optimal design requirements for geotechnical engineering structures.
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