Research on micro limestone for concrete pavements produced with natural aggregates in the Erzurum region
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The use of naturally formed aggregates in concrete pavements is an innovative and sustainable solution both environmentally and economically. This study investigates the usability of fine and coarse aggregates formed spontaneously in Oltu, Narman, Pasinler and Uzundere in concrete pavements by improving the mechanical properties of concrete. In the study, the compressive strength, flexural strength, water absorption capacity and capillarity permeability of the concrete samples planned to be used on concrete pavements were obtained by considering the contribution of these aggregates. In addition, microscopic electron scanning analyzes (SEM) were applied to visualize the internal cracks that may occur in the concrete. The test results showed that the concrete formed with aggregates from Oltu and Pasinler regions had the highest compressive, flexural and hardened unit weights. It has been concluded that the concrete produced from Uzundere region, which gives results below 35 MPa in terms of compressive strength, is not applicable on concrete pavements. In addition, considering the high compressive, flexural, unit weight and capillary permeability, it is predicted that the most suitable concrete design for the construction of concrete pavements is the P0 (concrete formed with aggregates from Pasinler region) concrete sample.
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