Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Effect of hemp and basalt fiber on fracture energy of cement-based composites: a comparative study

Adil Gultekin

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Fiber-reinforced composites are one of the most used construction materials. Nowadays, some types of fibers like steel, carbon, glass and basalt are commonly used in these composites. However, the production of these fibers consumes natural resources and a high amount of energy. Researchers have started working on natural fibers to reduce commonly used fibers productions’ drawbacks for more sustainable composites. However, the effect of natural fibers on the properties of cement-based composites -especially fracture energy- still needs further research and comparing with the behavior of commonly used fibers. In this study the effect of hemp fiber on the mechanical properties and fracture energy of cement-based fiber-reinforced mortar mixtures was investigated. The results were compared with those of the basalt fiber-reinforced mixtures. The results showed that the flexural strength and fracture energy improved with the use of hemp and basalt fiber compared to the fiber-free mixture. The flexural strength increased up to 10.7% and 19.6% with the inclusion of hemp and basalt fibers, respectively. The mean peak load and fracture energy of hemp fiber-reinforced mortar was higher than those of the fiber-free mixture by 32.2% and 17.9%, respectively. The corresponding values for basalt fiber addition 60.8% and 146.4%.


hemp fiber; basalt fiber; fracture energy; CMOD; cement mortar


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