Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Effect of nano-SiO2 particles on properties of cement mortar applicable for ferrocement elements

Abbas Booshehrian, Payam Hosseini

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In this study the mechanical properties (by compressive and flexural strength tests), durability (by water absorption test), and microstructural properties of interfacial transition zone (ITZ) (by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy tests) of mortars applicable for the casting of ferrocement elements reinforced with nano-SiO2 particles are investigated. The parameters of this study include the low replacement  ratio of nano-SiO2 particles respect to cementin Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) mortar mixture (including 1%, 2% and 3%), water to binder ratio (including 0.35, 0.4 and 0.5), and also sand to binder ratio (including 2 and 2.5).

The results have shown that the cement mortars containing nano-particles have reasonably higher strength, low water absorption and denser ITZ compared to those of the OPC ferrocement mortars. Furthermore, along with increasing the W/CM, the performance of silica nano-particles has been reduced. Besides, using higher S/CM was followed by strength loss in both categories of mixtures including with and without silica nano-particles. However, distinctive strengthening trend was not observed in mixtures with different S/CM (by holding the other variables constant such as silica nano-particles).


ferrocement mortar; nano-SiO2 particles; mechanical properties; water absorption; ITZ


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