Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Potential of Using Lightweight Foamed Concrete in Composite Load-Bearing Wall Panels In Low-Rise Construction

Md Azree Othuman Mydin

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This paper will look at the potential of using lightweight foamed concrete (LFC) in composite load-bearing wall panels in low-rise construction. From the experimental verification, as expected the mechanical properties of LFC were reasonably low when compared to normal strength concrete. Nonetheless there was a potential of using LFC as fire resistant partition or as load-bearing walls in low-rise residential construction. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of this proposal, this paper presents a preliminary feasibility study on its fire resistance and structural performance of LFC based system. The objectives of this feasibility is two-fold; to investigate the fire resistance performance of LFC panels of different densities when exposed to fire on one side for different fire resistance ratings based on insulation requirement and to examine whether the composite walling system had sufficient load carrying capacity, based on compression resistance at ambient temperature.


foamed concrete; thermal properties; mechanical properties; composite walling; sandwich panel


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