Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Phenomenological Model of Corrosion Process in Reinforced Concrete identified by AE

Y. Tomoda, M. Ohtsu

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Corrosion of reinforcing steel is modelled phenomenologically as corrosion losses of three phases.   In order to identify the corrosion process in reinforced concrete based on the model, continuous AE monitoring in reinforced concrete specimens was conducted in an accelerated corrosion test and a cyclic wet and dry test.   It is demonstrated that two periods of high AE activities are observed.  The 1st AE activity corresponds to the onset of the corrosion in rebar of the 1st phase in the phenomenological model.  At the 2nd period of high activity AE events result from concrete cracking, corresponding to the 3rd phase in the model.


acoustic emission; corrosion; reinforced concrete; half-cell potential; chloride concentration


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