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Shear Strength of Self-compacting Concrete Containing Different Fillers and Coarse Aggregates

Mohamed Abd Elaziz Safan

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An experimental investigation was conducted to evaluate the shear strength provided by different self-compacting concrete mixes proportioned using different fillers and coarse aggregates. A total of 28 simple beams without web reinforcement were tested in flexure. The test parameters included the use of gravel versus crushed dolomite as coarse aggregates, the amount of longitudinal reinforcement and the composition and percentage of fillers. Dolomite stone powder with either silica fume or fly ash were used as fillers replacing cement aiming at reducing the cost of the mix and obtaining better performance. The test results indicated that the overall structural performance in terms of cracking pattern and shear strength was comparable in all mixes. The potentials of developing shear strength and post cracking shear resistance were better when gravel was used as coarse aggregate and when relatively high fractions of dolomite powder were used as cement replacement.


shear strength; self-compacting concrete; common cements; dolomite powder; coarse aggregate type


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