Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Properties of High Strength Flowable Mortar Reinforced With Different Fibers

Eethar T. Dawood, Mahyuddin Ramli

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An experimental study was conducted on the high-strength flowable mortar (HSFM) reinforced by the different percentages of palm Fiber (0, 0.5& 1%), steel fiber (0, 0.5, 1.0& 2%), and the hybridization of these two fibers with 2% volumetric fractions.  Different tests have been done to determine some aspects namely the density, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, static modulus of elasticity, flexural strength, toughness and ultrasonic pulse velocity.  The results show that the use of hybridization of steel fiber with palm fiber gives an unambiguous improvement in these properties and thus the optimum percentages for these two fibers have been taken into consideration. The use of low volume fraction of palm fiber in hybrid fiber mixes was found to be a promising concept in HSFM mixes


steel fiber; palm fiber; high strength mortar; toughness; ultrasonic pulse velocity


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