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Comparative Study of The Effects of Wind and Earthquake Loads on High-rise Buildings

Khaled Mohamed Heiza, Magdy A. Tayel

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It is very essential to consider the effects of lateral loads induced from wind and earthquakes in the design of reinforced concrete structures, especially for high-rise buildings. The Egyptian Code of Practice for Calculating Loads and Forces in Structural and Building Works, 1993 and 2003 gives simplified methods for calculating such loads. In some cases effects of earthquakes are found to be dominant and more critical than wind effects. This depends on some factors defined by codes. In this research the both effects will be studied and compared according to the Egyptian Code 1993 and 2003. The codes are reviewed for wind and earthquake analysis and discussed to show all factors affecting the design. A computer program is developed to analyze the structural buildings behavior under wind pressure defined as well as equivalent static loads for earthquakes considering all factors in the codes. Application examples for buildings with different heights, floor weights and boundary conditions for both winds and earthquakes such as the intensity of the wind pressure, the seismic zone coefficient, the importance factor, structural system factor and the soil coefficient are analyzed and discussed for the purpose of comparison. Some recommendations are suggested to improve the resistance of the structural and environmental systems of the buildings with respect to lateral loads. Finally Egyptian seismic map, tables of different shape effect and structural systems are provided to help structural designers and researches during design process.


high-rise buildings; Egyptian code; wind pressure; equivalent static loads; zone factor; structural factor; soil factor; importance factor


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