Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Nonlinear Time-Dependent Behaviour of Concrete Insulated Panel

Mahmoud Shaaban Sayed Ahmed

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The insulated structural sandwich panel is a composite laminated structure, made of two stiff skin faces and lightweight thick core. The low-density low-shear rigidity laminated think core (foam, honeycomb  ... etc.) is structurally connected to the laminated skin faces by structural adhesive. The rigid skin  ( concrete, steel, wood … etc.) faces provide high bending stiffens for such lightweight structure, while the core resist the local buckling of the skin faces. The time-dependent deflection behaviour of the concrete insulated panel (CIP) varies with the change of the span-to-depth ratio for the instantaneous deflection, and the cyclic change of temperature and relative humidity over time. This paper discuss the nonlinear theoretical analysis for long-term creep deflection under sustained load that accounts for loads, time, temperature and relative humidity.


sandwich structure; concrete insulated panel; time-dependent; nonlinear modelling


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