Designing, Proposing and Comparing the Methods Predicting the Compressive Strength of the Ferro cement Mortar
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Ferro cement is a commonly used type of concrete. As the Ferro cement mortar is one of its components, and different parameters affect its compressive strength, prediction of the compressive strength of Ferro cement mortar before construction can seriously affect its properties and costs.In this study, DIN and ACI methods were used to examine the mix design of Ferro cement mortar. To this end, an equation was proposed for prediction of a 28-day strength based on the weight of cement, water, fine aggregate, nano silica, micro silica, and slump value. Results of previous researcher in this regard were evaluated to verify the equation and the designed mix designs.Results showed that the prediction based on the proposed equation had more favorable standard deviation and less error than did other equations and statistical methods besides its applicability for the mix design of all types of cement mortars.
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