Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Bond Strength of Concrete Containing Different Recycled Coarse Aggregates

Mounir M. Kamal, Zeinab A. Etman, Mohamed R. Afify, Mahmoud M. Salem

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Some of the remnants of construction demolition wastes could be used after recycling as coarse aggregate in concrete industry. Among these wastes are ceramics, shale bricks and hardened concrete. This research was carried out to determine the effect of using such recycled aggregate (RA) as total or partial replacement of the natural dolomite coarse aggregate in concrete mixes on their compressive and bond strength with steel bars. Two types of concrete were investigated in this research which included normal concrete and self-compacted concrete. The main variables taken into consideration wee, the type of concrete, the type and percentage of the recycled aggregate and the age of testing. The consistency of the normal fresh concrete was measured by the slump test. However, the workability and flowability of the self-compacted fresh concrete were measured using slump test, V-funnel test. Out of the experimental test results, equations were predicted which correlated between the concrete compressive strength and bond strength of both the recycled aggregate ordinary concrete and the recycled aggregate self-compacted concrete. These equations were completely different than that of the steel-concrete bond equation of concrete with natural aggregate. Out of this research results, the recycled aggregate concrete could be used in both non structural applications and in some structural applications with special precautions.


recycled concrete- recycled materials; compressive strength- bond strength; equations


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