Comparison between Utilization of Industrial Waste Steel Slag as Aggregate and Natural Aggregate in Underwater Self-compacting Concrete
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An environmentally friendly approach to the disposal of waste materials, a difficult issue to cope with in today’s world, would only be possible through a useful recycling process. Steel slag is a byproduct of metal smelting and hundreds of tons of it are produced every year all over the world in the process of refining metals and making alloys. Coarse aggregate is one of these factors that have a significant influence on underwater self-compacting concrete (UWSCC). The work involves three groups with the total number of twenty seven underwater-concrete mixes. First group uses gravel, the second group uses steel slag, and the third group uses crushed dolomite. The test program was designed and arranged to consider the effect of four different parameters as follows; water binder ratio (w/p), high range water-reducing (HRWR) dosage, fine to coarse aggregate ratio and maximum size aggregate. The concrete mixtures were tested for slump, slump flow, slump flow time (T-500), V-funnel, L-box, GTM screen stability, washout loss method that is the plunge test CRDC61 which is widely used in North America, and compressive strength. The results show that UWSCC with industrial waste steel slag as aggregate has higher values of compressive strength and unit weight compared to UWSCC with natural aggregate.
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