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Experimental Analysis of Centerally Openned Two-Way Slabs Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Laminates

Adham Abd El-Razik El-Alfy

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This study is an experimental and analysis investigation of the behavior of two-way simply supported RC flat slabs with centered circular, rectangular, and square openings. Four models were tested to failure, consisting of a referencemodelwithoutopening,andthree modelswithanopening and Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) laminatesapplied tothetensionfaceof the models.Theresultsrevealed that externallybondedCFRPlaminates significantly increased boththeoverall stiffness and flexural capacityofthemodels provided withanopening. CFRP anchoring method can further increase the performance of the strengthening scheme used. Experimental load-deflection curves and failure modes are discussed.


reinforced concrete; centered opening slab strengthening with carbon fiber laminates; experimental analysis of two way slabs


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