Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Microbial deterioration effect of cow dung ash modified concrete in freshwater environments

Vinita Vishwakarma

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This paper explain the microbial deterioration of normal concrete (NC) and concrete modified with cow dung ash (CDA) in freshwater environments. Five different concrete mixes of M30 grade were prepared by replacing ordinary portland cement (OPC) with 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5 and 15.0% CDA by weight of cement and were compared with NC (0% CDA). First the antimicrobial properties of CDA powder were evaluated. All the specimens were cured for 28 days and then exposed in fresh water for 45 days to identify the best mix of concrete. pH degradation studies on the exposed samples were evaluated. Total viable bacterial counts (TVC) studies revealed that microbial growth was less in CDA modified concrete as compared to NC. Total dissolved solids (TDS) and Total suspended solids (TSS) were done to know the inorganic and organic content in the biofilm sample. Epifluorescence microscopic observation showed less number of fluorescing cells indicated the inhibition of biofilm formation on CDA modified concrete. XRD analysis was done to find the changes in the crystalline phases within the modified concrete microstructures and its antibacterial activity.


concrete; cow dung ash; microbial deterioration; freshwater


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