Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Design and Construction of the ferrocement Water Tanks

Adham Abd El-Razik El-Alfy

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Ferrocement is proposed to construct of water tanks with high strength, crack resistance, high ductility, impact resistance and energy absorption suitable for rise buildings. This paper presents the results of an analytical study of proposed ferrocement water tanks. The cement sand matrix of the ferrocement composite was designed to achieve high compressive, tensile and flexural strengths for the produced ferrocement tanks. This was achieved by employing silica fume as replacement percentage of the cement content. The results of an experimental investigation of the effect of silica fume on the strength of the matix is also included. The complete analysis and design of twelve ferrocement water tanks with different capacities and their estimated costs are also included. The optimum limit of partial replacement of cement with silica fume was found to be 15%, which exhibited the highest increase in strength. The structural analysis and design of ferrocement water tanks were determined. The developed ferrocement tanks are four times cheaper compared with the other constructed tanks. The developed ferrocement tanks could be used successfully for the developed and developing countries alike.


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