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Comparative study on the using of PEG and PAM as curing agents for self-curing concrete

Alaa A. Bashandy, Nageh N. Meleka, Mohamed M. Hamad

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There are many factors, which may affect on concrete quality. One of those is concrete curing. Self-curing concrete is the solution. It may produce by using chemical curing agents. The concept of those agents is to reduce the water evaporation from concrete. This research aims to study the effect of chemical curing agents on the behavior of self-curing concrete. Two different chemical curing agents were used to study the main mechanical properties of concrete. The main variables are; the type of curing agent (Polyethylene glycol "PEG400"–Poly Acrylamide "PAM") and its dosages. The results obtained in terms of compressive, tensile and flexure strength values. Test results showed that the self-curing concrete cured by each agent performed better in hardened properties compared to none cured concrete. Also, curing using the both agents together perform better than using each one individually.


self-curing concrete; polyethylene glycol; PEG 400; polyacrylamide; PAM


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