Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Structural behavior of recycled aggregates concrete filled steel tubular columns

Boshra Eltaly, Ahmed Bembawy, Nageh Meleka, Kameel Kandil

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This paper presents an experimental and numerical investigation to determine the behavior of steel tubular columns filled with recycled aggregates concrete up to failure under constant axial compression loads. The experimental program included two steel tube columns, four recycled concrete columns and eight composite columns filled with different types of recycled coarse aggregates (granite and ceramic). Different percentages of recycled coarse aggregates: 0, 25 and 50 of the percentage of the coarse aggregates (dolomite) were used. The results of the numerical model that was employed by the finite element program, ANSYS, were compared with the experimental results. The results of the experimental study and the finite element analysis were compared with the design equations using different national building codes: AISC1999, AISC2005 and EC4. The results indicated that the recycled aggregates concrete infill columns have slightly lower but comparable ultimate capacities compared with the specimens filled with normal concrete.


recycled concrete; composite columns; structural hollow steel; finite element method; buckling analysis


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