Effectiveness of crack repairing measures in Tabuk City, Saudi Arabia
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2017.03.003
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Concrete cracking and defect patterns can often indicate its causes. In this research paper, detailed description of cracks types, causes, and proper solutions is identified. The main objective of the paper is to measure the response of specialists about the probability of certain cracks causes and solutions, and to evaluate the effect of using epoxy materials in repairing concrete cracks. The present study shows that about 50% of responders indicated that cracks due to steel corrosion represent between 10-20% of building cracks. And about 80% of the responders indicated that crack due to load increasing is rarely occurred in the site. The interviewed specialists ensured that using epoxy materials are effective in solving most cracks’ problems. The experimental work results show that the flexural strength of epoxy repaired samples exceeded that of original samples. And the increase in flexural strength is inversely proportioned with sample depth.
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