Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Feasibility of using self-compacting concrete in civil engineering applications

Zeinab A. Etman, Mounir M. Kamal, Mohamed R. Afify, Tamer I. Ahmaed

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This research aimed to investigate the feasibility of using self-compacting concrete in civil engineering applications as a producing a precast hollow unit. The behavior of the hollow sections cast with self-compacted concrete beneath line-load was evaluated. An experimental work was carried out and a finite element model with ANSYS (version 15) was adopted. A total of fourteen hollow beams were cast and tested. The most variables taken into thought were; the types of reinforcement (reinforced steel bar and steel wire meshes), the types of steel wire meshes (expanded and welded steel wire mesh), number of layers of steel meshes (one layer and two layers), cross section thickness of concrete (40 mm and 60mm), concrete cover thickness (15mm and 20 mm) and also the shapes of cross section (square or circular). Special attention to initial cracking load, ultimate load, deflection, cracking pattern, energy absorption and ductility index were investigated. Good agreement was found compared with the experimental results. Out of this research; this paper presents applications of self-compacted concrete for casting skinny structural hollow members. These members can be used as precast units within the construction of the tunnel to decrease the problems in highway roads due to the difficulty of using crossing bridges particularly for kids and old people which are very useful for developing countries with great economic advantages.


self-compacting concrete; wire mesh; thin hollow beams; ductility index; energy absorption; economic assessment


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