Composite concrete beam with multi-web cold-formed steel section
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Lately, structural engineers use cold-formed steel sections (CFS) in buildings due to its light-weight and easy shaping. Encasing the cold-formed steel sections by concrete avoiding the structure elements some of its disadvantages especially buckling. This paper reports an experimental test program for beams with a multi-web cold-formed steel section encased by reinforced concrete. Eleven (full-scale) specimens have tested under mid-span concentrated load, the experimental test program designed to cover many cold-formed steel section variables such as (web number, web height, and the steel section length). Comparison between the experimental results for specimens with encased steel cold-formed section and that for reference beam have presented. The experimental results show that the cold-formed steel webs number has a noticeable influence on the structural behaviour of the beam, such as increasing the beam load capacity. The beam load capacity, failure mode and the beam ductility have analysed, and some preparatory criteria for a sufficient outline have presented.
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