Behavior improvement of self-compacting concrete in hot weather
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The main aim of this research is studying the effect of hot weather on the properties of self-compacting concrete and conventional concrete in both fresh and hardened state. Also, this research extends to improve the behavior of self-compacting concrete in hot weather. The main parameters were surrounding weather temperature (5°C, 20°C and 35°C), concrete materials temperatures’ (25°C, 50°C), curing temperatures (25°C and 50°C) and admixtures (using a retarder). Two stages were carried out to achieve the research aim. The behavior of self-compacting concrete compared to conventional concrete was evaluated in the first stage. Based on the first stage, attempts to enhance the concrete properties were evaluated in the second stage. Precautions on mixing and placing concrete in these climates are considered. Results are a drive in terms of; workability tests, compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, and flexural strength. Test results showed that self-compacting concrete behavior and strengths were better than conventional concrete. Slump test, J-ring and V-funnel test were used to evaluate the fresh properties of the self-compacting concrete. Drying shrinkage of self-compacting concrete in hot weather were also evaluated.
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