Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

An investigation on the properties of woodcrete exposed to high temperature

Mehmet Canbaz, İlkay Kara, İlker Bekir Topçu

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By combining wood wastes with various binders, construction materials can be produced. These materials can be used in non-bearing parts such as wall block, insulation panel. In this study, prismatic specimens were taken from the mixtures produced considering the chip-cement ratio as 0.25, 0.5 and 1. The unit weight, ultrasonic pulse velocity, bending and compressive strengths of the specimens were determined by using the results of the experiments on these specimens. In addition, specimens were kept at 200 and 400°C for 3 hours in order to determine its behavior under high temperature, which is one of the most important problems for wood composites. With the experiments carried out on the cooled specimens, weight and strength losses, changes in ultrasonic pulse velocity were examined. As a result of the study, while determining that the chip-cement ratio can be used as 1, it is recommended to use the chip-cement ratio up to 0.5 when the high temperature effect is taken into consideration.


woodcrete; chip-cement ratio; high temperature; mechanical properties


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