Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Fracture properties of self-compacting fiber-reinforced concrete

Mariam Farouk Ghazy, Metwally Abd Allah Abd Elaty, Omar Daboun

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Self-compacting concrete (SCC) is an innovative concrete that does not necessitate vibration for placing and compaction. Nineteen concrete mixes were investigated including a control mix without fibers as well as eighteen SCC with fibers (SCFRC) mixes. Three types of fibers (polypropylene, glass and steel) were used. Slump flow, L-box, V-funnel as well as column segregation tests were conducted to assess the fresh properties. Whereas, compressive, splitting tensile and flexural strengths were measured to assess the hardened properties of SCFRC. Three point bending tests were performed for the purpose of assessing the fracture properties of SCFRC. Test results showed that the inclusion of fibers to produce SCFRC mixtures remarkably enhanced the fracture properties including fracture energy (Gf) and fracture toughness (K1c). Inclusion of steel fibers with 2% volume fractions showed an improvement with 26.9 times for Gf over the control mix. Whereas, 104% increase in K1c was recorded for the same mix over the mix without fibers. Adding fibers to SCC to produce self-compacting fiber reinforced concrete (SCFRC) will expand its advantages. However, the application fields still need to understand the properties of SCFRC.


self-compacting concrete; fiber-reinforced concrete; fresh properties; fracture properties


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