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Mechanical properties and freeze-thaw resistances of bronze-concrete composites

Tuba Bahtli, Nesibe Sevde Ozbay

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Studies in the literature show that the physical and mechanical properties of concrete could be improved by the incorporation of different kinds of industrial waste, including waste tire rubber and tire steel. Recycling of waste is important for economic gain and to curb environmental problems. In this study, finely ground CuAl10Ni bronze is used to improve the physical and mechanical properties, and freeze-thaw resistances of C30 concrete. The density, cold crushing strength, 3-point bending strength, elastic modulus, toughness, and freeze-thaw resistances of concrete are determined. In addition, the Schmidt Rebound Hammer (SRH) and the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) tests, which are non-destructive test methods, are applied. SEM/EDX analyses are also carried out. It is noted that a more compacted structure of concrete is achieved with the addition of bronze sawdust. Then higher density and strength values are obtained for concretes that are produced by bronze addition. In addition, concretes including bronze sawdust generally show higher toughness due to high plastic energy capacities than pure concrete.


bronze sawdust; composite; concrete; damage analysis; freeze-thaw; mechanical behavior


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