Ballistic strength of aerated concrete
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In regional studies conducted by the Law Enforcement Agency and the Armed Forces within the scope of counter-terrorism activities, to ensure peace and security throughout the country and for the police and military personnel to provide security services, the need to produce different solutions has arisen in the face of attacks on the security points established at many important points, especially at the entrance and exit points of the cities. In this context, by changing the direction and angle of the wall types made of aerated concrete used in construction techniques, 7 variations were tested on these wall types with materials formed with adhesive mortar+plaster, monolithic elastomer polyurea, and non-Newtonian fluid, and the strength of these materials were tested with BR6 and BR7 bullets. The main purpose of this study was to determine the most suitable material in terms of security parameters in the shortest time and at a low cost and to create a reliable structure for security cabins. At the end of the study, the best results were obtained with the shots made on the narrow surface of the aerated concrete and the shots made on the platform formed with non-Newtonian fluid.
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