Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Structural behavior of ferrocement composite hollow-cored panels for roof construction

Yousry B. I. Shaheen, Zeinab A. Etman, Aya M. Elrefy

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The main objective of the following work is to study the effect of using different types of metallic and non-metallic mesh reinforcement materials on the flexural behavior of ferrocement hollow-cored panels as a viable alternative for conventional reinforced concrete roofs. The proposed panels are lighter in weight relative to the conventional reinforced concrete panels. Three types of the steel meshes were used to reinforce the ferrocement skin layers. Namely: welded wire mesh, expanded metal mesh, and tenax mesh with various numbers of layers. Experimental investigation was conducted on the proposed panels. A total of ten slabs having the total dimensions of 2000 mm length, 500 mm width and 120 mm thickness were cast and tested under flexural loadings until failure. The deformation characteristics and cracking behavior were recorded and observed for each panel at all stages of loadings. The results showed that high ultimate and serviceability loads, crack resistance control, high ductility, and good energy absorption properties could be achieved by using the proposed panels. This could be of true construction merits for both developed and developing countries alike. The experimental results were then compared to analytical models using (ABAQUS/Explicit) programs. The finite element (FE) simulations achieved better results in comparison with the experimental results.


hollow core slab; ferrocement; composite materials; tenax mesh; experimental program


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