Determination of waste crushed baked clay aggregate concrete with granular composite material preparations
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Waste baked clay is an industrial waste that causes environmental pollution. Therefore, the possible utilization of this material would reduce environmental pollution. Utilization of baked clay as aggregate in concrete would have a positive effect on the economy. There are many studies on examining concrete as a granular composite. However, there are few studies on the examination of industrial or construction demolition wastes, which are used as aggregate in concrete, with granular composite models. This study was conducted to contribute to filling this gap in the literature. In concrete production, Portland cement, river sand, 4-32 mm in size crushed stone and crushed baked clay as coarse and medium aggregate in the replacement ratio of 0%, 50% and 100% were used. Compression tests were conducted on specimens. Stress-strain curves were drawn as a graph. Elasticity modulus were determined experimentally. Elasticity modulus were calculated using granular composite models. Experimental and calculated elasticity modulus were compared and examined. According to the results, it was determined that these wastes could be evaluated in concrete production and used in the elasticity modulus calculation of granular composite models.
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