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Current understanding and Future Approaches for Controlling Microbially Influenced Concrete Corrosion: A Review

Rani P George

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The microbes colonize the concrete surface and its pores, capillaries and micro-cracks and cause damage through biodeterioration. Though the biodeterioration of concrete in sewage pipes is extensively studied, the problems in constructions such as maritime structures, bridges, tanks, pipelines and cooling towers have received lesser attention. In nuclear industry future power plants will be designed for 100 years to make available operation of nuclear power plants for more periods. Therefore, integrity of the concrete structures in nuclear power plants has to be maintained for this long duration specially those exposed to aggressive seawater environment. Nuclear industry is looking at various options including modified concrete with special admixtures and fly ash to achieve this goal. A direction for future approaches like using nanophase modification to get stronger and flexible concrete is given in this paper.


concrete; acidophiles; superplasticizer; fly ash; nanophase modification


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