Effect of reinforcement in perforated brick arrangement for determining flexural strength and corrosion loss
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2017.01.002
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Brick masonry walls consist of the main elements that responsible for the global stability of brick masonry buildings when subjected to lateral loads such as wind and seismic forces. These elements are subjected to gravity forces, bending moments and shear forces due to the horizontal loading. The application of reinforcement increases the deformation capacity, controls the crack opening and allows a better distribution of stresses. Longitudinal reinforcements increase the flexural strength, even if they seem not to influence the shear behavior. Effectiveness of reinforcement on the increase of the resistance of brick masonry wall is highly related to the failure mode of the element. This paper shows the flexural strength of reinforced perforated brick masonry wall and weight loss of reinforcements for corrosion after a certain period of time. Several reinforce bar arrangements into the perforated brick masonry walls show the variety of possible applications.
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