Production of durable high strength flowable mortar reinforced with hybrid fibers
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This study deals with the production of durable high strength flowable mortar (HSFM). Firstly, the optimum percentage of silica fume was determined due to Pozzolanic Activity Index (P.A.I) test. Secondly, the selected mortar reinforced by different percentages of steel fibers or hybrid fibers of steel fibers , palm fibers and synthetic fibers (Barchip) to prepare HSFM mixes. Such mixes were tested in compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, static modulus of elasticity, flexural strength, toughness indices determination, and impact load for all the mixes. Lastly, the effects of seawater exposure on the properties of HSFM have been observed. The results show that the use of 10% silica fume as a partial replacement of cement indicate the best P.A.I. On the other hand, the hybridizations of such fibers enhance the performance of HSFM mixes. In addition, the hybrid fibers reduce the permeability of HSFM leading to significance improvement against seawater exposure.
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