Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Exploring optimum percentage of fly-ash as a replacement of cement for enhancement of concrete properties

Sarvat Gull, Shoib B. Wani, Ishfaq Amin

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Researchers and decision makers are continuously looking out to determine the potential and effectiveness of fly-ash as a partial replacement of cement in concrete. The current study is carried out to check the optimum or nearly optimum quantity of fly-ash with which cement should be replaced to get most of the properties of concrete enhanced and to give the idea about the quantities of fly-ash that can be used in a better way and better cause so that a proper management scheme of its usage and disposal can be implied. Further, a comparison is given between normal concrete and fly-ash concrete to show the properties which can be enhanced by proper utilization of fly-ash as a partial replacement of cement. After carrying out the lab experiments, it has been seen that the replacement of fly-ash in concrete has resulted in general increase in compressive strength, flexural strength and splitting tensile strength up to 15% replacement and after then the strength is decreased considerably than that of normal concrete. Addition of fly-ash in concrete has resulted in decrease in the water absorption of concrete and hence decreases in permeability of concrete. There is a progressive increase in workability with increase in percentage of fly-ash in concrete. The current study has led to a conclusion that in order to achieve best results in use of fly-ash concrete, the fly-ash used for replacing cement in concrete should have the required properties as specified by the standards and proper techniques of processing fly-ash as well as mixing of fly-ash with cement must be employed.


fly-ash; compressive strength; flexural strength; splitting tensile strength; workability


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