Effect of retardant admixtures type and their using method on the behavior of concrete
DOI: https://doi.org/10.20528/cjcrl.2021.03.004
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Construction sites may be exposed to crisis conditions during the casting process, resulting in delays of several hours and causing destruction of ready-mix concrete. This study suggests an experimental analysis of the possibility of using a specific additional dose of retardant admixtures, which may be used to ready-mix concrete before the initial setting of the concrete occurs. The effect of this additional dose on concrete characteristics in terms of workability, setting time, and compressive strength is also being studied. To conduct this investigation, three types of retardant admixtures from three branded companies were used. In addition, a penetration resistance experiment was conducted on the concrete to determine its setting time. The setting time of concrete was measured at different period intervals depending on when the additional dose of the retardant admixtures was added from the start of the concrete mixing. The results showed that concrete maintained proper workability for a period of more than 5 hours after using the additional dose of retarding admixtures. The additional dose of retarding admixtures not only delayed the concrete setting but also improved the compressive strength of the concrete. This implies that the use of an additional dose of retardant admixtures specifically tailored for ready-mix concrete is an effective option to avoid the return of ready-mixed fresh concrete.
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