Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Concrete Research Letters

Reinforcement of concrete beams using waste carbon-nanoclay-fiberglass laminate pieces

Zinnur Çelik, Emrah Turan, Meral Oltulu, Gülşah Öner

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In the last few decades, strengthening of structures in need of repair with fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composite materials produced with different fiber types has gained great importance. Within the scope of this experimental study, the usability of hybrid glass and carbon composite laminates produced for different purposes and later cut into waste was investigated for concrete reinforcement. Hybrid composite laminates were produced in the form of glass-carbon-glass and carbon-glass-carbon, and the effect was investigated in two different sequences in the study. In addition, there are 3 different rates of nanoclay (0.50%, 0.75% and 1.25%) in the production of composite materials, and the effect of nanoclay ratio was investigated. In the study, two different numbers of composite laminates were adhered to the concrete samples produced in 70x70x280 mm dimensions and subjected to flexural strength test. In the Carbon-Glass-Carbon series using triple waste laminate pieces, the highest flexural strength was reported in the CGC-0.75-3 series, which achieved an increase of approximately 55% and 42% compared to the Control and Control-E series. It was determined that the effectiveness of the reinforcement technique of concrete with laminates in flexure did not change significantly depending on the number of laminate pieces. The main mode of failure in the experimental work was due to concrete fracture.


waste laminate; carbon-glass-carbon; glass-carbon-glass; flexural strength; retrofitting


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