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Malaysian Rice Husk Ash – Improving the Durability and Corrosion Resistance of Concrete: Pre-review

Badorul Hisham Abu Bakar, Ramadhansyah Putrajaya, Hamidi Abdulaziz

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The objective of this paper is to presents and study a pre-review of Malaysian rice ash ask as a partial cement replacement in different percentage, grinding time and performance corrosion of RHA blended concrete. The increasing demand for producing durable construction materials is the outcome of the fast polluting environment. Supplementary cementitious materials prove to be effective to meet most of the requirements of durable concrete. Rice husk ash is found to be greater to other supplementary materials like silica fume and fly ash. Due to its high pozzolanic activity, both strength and durability of concrete are enriched. Addition of rice husk ash to Portland cement not only improves the early strength of concrete, but also forms a calcium silicate hydrate gel around the cement particles which is highly dense and less porous. This may increase the strength of concrete against cracking. Previously, investigation on the corrosion performance of rice husk ash blended concrete is very limited. Further researches are ongoing or have started recently by the authors to study the performance of RHA and corrosion of concrete mixes. Various tests were carried out to evaluate durability of concrete made with 10, 20, 30 and 40% replacements of RHA by weight of cement. Nevertheless, the results of compressive strength, absorption test and chloride penetration from previous investigation were presents in this study.


rice hush ash; corrosion; compressive strength; absorption and chloride penetration


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