Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Buckling analysis of natural fiber reinforced composites

Celal Çakıroğlu, Gebrail Bekdaş

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In the recent years natural fiber reinforced composites are increasingly receiving attention from the researchers and engineers due to their mechanical properties comparable to the conventional synthetic fibers and due to their ease of preparation, low cost and density, eco-friendliness and bio-degradability. Natural fibers such as kenaf or flux are being considered as a viable replacement for glass, aramid or carbon. Extensive experimental studies have been carried out to determine the mechanical behavior of different natural fiber types such as the elastic modulus, tensile strength, flexural strength and the Poisson’s ratio. This paper presents a review of the various experimental studies in the field of fiber reinforced composites while summarizing the research outcome about the elastic properties of the major types of natural fiber reinforced composites. Furthermore, the performance of a kenaf reinforced composite plate is demonstrated using finite element analysis and results are compared to a glass fiber reinforced laminated composite plate.


buckling; natural fibers; mechanical properties; laminated composite plates


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