Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Perioperative Medicine

Evaluation of Analgesic Nociceptive Index in intraoperative and postoperative pain management in general anesthesia applied with two different methods

Mahmut Alp Karahan, Kadri Burak Ethemoğlu, Evren Büyükfırat, Ahmet Atlas, Veysi Yazar, Mehmet Baki Bilsel

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Aim: Effectiveness of analgesic nociceptive index (ANI) monitoring in predicting both intraoperative and postoperative early pain in neurosurgery patients undergoing lumbar spinal surgery. The patients were administered general anesthesia using different anesthesia management techniques.

Method: The study included a total of 60 patients with American Society of Anesthesiologist (ASA) I-III. The patients were randomly divided into two groups of 30 each using the closed envelope method. Group T received total intravenous anesthesia (TIVA) with remifentanil-propofol, while Group D with desflurane-remifentanil. Non-invasive ANI monitoring was applied to patients undergoing lumbar spinal surgery, and ANI, heart rate, systolic/diastolic arterial pressure values were recorded before and after induction, skin incision, major muscle incision, laminectomy, right-left fasciectomy, screw fixation, after extubation and during the postoperative period. Post-operative heart rate, ANI value, mean arterial pressure values, and visual analog scale (VAS) values were measured.

Results: No statistically significant difference was found in terms of the demographic data of the patients. According to the groups, no statistically significant difference was found between the ANI and VAS measurements of the cases at the postoperative 5th minute (P=0.261), postop 10th minute (P=0.379), postop 15th minute (P=0.673), postop 30th minute (P=0.784) and postop 60 minute (p =0.750).

Conclusions: In our study on lumbar spine surgery, we could not detect any significant relationship between ANI monitoring and VAS values in the early postoperative period. There was no difference in ANI and VAS with either anaesthetic technique. In light of the results of our study, we believe that more studies are needed on the use of ANI monitoring in the early postoperative period.


Analgesia Nociceptive Index; deslurane; total intravenous anesthesia; spinal surgery


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