Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

The strain sensitivity of brass fiber reinforced concrete

Egemen Teomete, Erman Demircilioğlu, Serap Kahraman

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The structures are challenged by earthquakes and other environmental factors. Structural health monitoring is crucial to protect the lives. The strain gages used in structural health monitoring have low durability and can get point wise measurements which limit their use. In this study, five different concrete mixtures with different brass fiber volume fractions were designed. Along with the control mixture which does not have brass fiber, six mixtures were designed and three cube samples from each mixture were cast and cured. Compression test was conducted with simultaneous measurement of electrical resistance. The brass fiber reinforced concrete has strong linear relationship between the electrical resistance change and strain. Important progress was achieved in development of “Smart Concrete” which can sense its strain and damage.


smart concrete; self-sensing; electrical resistance; compression test; smart structures; brass fiber


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Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of ACE2016.


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