Performance based study on the seismic safety of buildings
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In the scope of this study, information has been provided on the Static Pushover Analysis which is a nonlinear deformation controlled analysis method and the Capacity Spectrum Method used to determine the performance point. In this study, static pushover analysis was made on a six-storey building with reinforcement concrete frame system by changing the materials, steel rebars and soil characteristics. The building’s capacity curves were drawn and decided according to different concrete and reinforcement groups. Furthermore the performance points of different classes of concrete were studied according to three seismic effect levels. In the case of a decrease in the reinforcement strength, a decrease of approximately 30% occurs in the base shear force. If the concrete strength is increased, an increase of 11% occurred in the base shear force. Consequently, in the comparisons made with five different concrete groups and two different reinforcement groups, rather than the increase in the strength of the concrete, an increase in the reinforcement strength was observed to be more effective on the structural capacity. Furthermore, local soil classifications were observed to be the most significant point regarding peak displacement.
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