Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Seismic analysis of offshore wind turbine including fluid-structure-soil interaction

Kemal Hacıefendioğlu, Fahri Birinci

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This paper presents the seismic response analysis of offshore wind turbines subjected to multi-support seismic excitation by using a three dimensional numerical finite element model considering viscous boundaries. The sea water-offshore wind turbine-soil interaction system is modeled by the Lagrangian (displacement-based) fluid and solid-quadrilateral-isoparametric finite elements. The research conducts a parametric study to estimate the effects of different foundation soil types on the seismic behavior of the offshore wind turbine coupled interaction system. The results obtained for different cases are compared with each other.


offshore wind turbine; ice sheet; fluid-structure interaction; seismic analysis; Lagrangian approach


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