Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Arch effect in silos on discrete supports - Is it a myth or reality?

Lyubomir A. Zdravkov

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Steel silos are interesting, complicated facilities. In order to assure its complete emptying by gravity they are often placed on supporting frame structure above the ground. Values of stresses in joints between thin walled shell and supporting frame elements are very high. It can cause the local buckling in the shell. The simplest way to design steel silos is to divide hypothetically the cylindrical shell into two parts - ring beam, supported in some points and shell above, uniformly supported. This conception is accepted by European Standard EN 1993-4-1. The particular moment is that the ring beam and cylindrical body above it are separated. Actually the two elements are jointed and work together in the same time. Considering the last results of Zeybek, Topkaya and Rotter from 2019, and as well as his own research, the author asks the question if it is true that the transferring of discrete base reactions to the cylindrical body is done by bending work of the ring beam, which is the conception in EN 1993-4-1? Or the vertical reaction forces are actually redistributed on the height based on the work of the cylindrical shell under compression as an arch. Using the contemporary capabilities of the programs for spatial analysis of building structures the author will try to find the answer of this question.


steel silo; meridional stress; ring beam; arch effect; vertical stiffening; buckling


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