Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Nonlinear finite element analysis of strength and durability of reinforced concrete and composite structures

A. Ghani Razaqpur, O. Burkan Isgor, Afshin Esfandiari

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The finite element method has emerged as the most powerful and versatile numerical method for solving a wide range of physical problems in science and engineering. Today a large number of commercial programs exist that can be used to solve diverse problems in structural and fluid mechanics, heat transfer and many other phenomena. However, certain critical problems related to durability of concrete structures, especially corrosion of reinforcement, cannot be readily solved using the available software. This paper presents two finite element formulations, developed by the writers, one dealing with the nonlinear analysis of composite concrete-steel bridges, and the other with the durability of concrete structures, with emphasis on the corrosion of reinforcement. The validity and accuracy of the proposed models are demonstrated by comparing their results with appropriate experimental data.


finite element method; nonlinear analysis; composite structures; durability; corrosion


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