Research Articles | Challenge Journal of Structural Mechanics

Comparison of equivalent seismic load and response spectrum methods according to TSC 2018 and TSC 2007

İbrahim Hakkı Erkan, Talha Polat Doğan

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In this study, two different analysis methods were compared; the first is a linear static analysis method and the second is a linear dynamic analysis method. First one is the Equivalent Seismic Load Method, which is a linear static method where seismic loads can be obtained by applying a simple calculation. The second method, the Response Spectrum method, is a linear dynamic analysis method which obtains the seismic loads using more complex statistical calculations. For this analysis study, 18 structural models with 3 different building heights were analyzed according to the conditions of Equivalent Seismic Load Method and Response Spectrum Method specified in both TSC 2007 and TSC 2018 and base shear forces obtained as a result of these analyzes were compared. As a result of analysis; compared to the results obtained from TSC 2007, due to the effective stiffness coefficients specified in TSC 2018, it was observed that the base shear forces obtained for both methods were lower and the modal period values were longer in the analyzes applied according to TSC 2018. This means that the structural systems created with the designs according to TSC 2018 are more ductile than the structural systems created with the designs made according to TSC 2007. Base shear forces obtained by 2 different analysis methods applied according to regulations stated in both TSC 2018 and TSC 2007; it was observed that the base shear forces obtained by the Equivalent Seismic Load Method were higher than the results of the Response Spectrum Method.


equivalent seismic load method; response spectrum method; effective stiffness coefficient; base shear; modal analysis


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