Investigating the synergy between lean construction practices and post disaster management processes
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Lean aims to maximize value while minimizing waste. Lean practices are likely to reduce the number potential hazards and errors. The use of Lean practices in construction is essential to experience less hazards. Benefitting from Lean practices has gained much attention in the last decade. Especially, the destroying effect of hazards and accidents is of utmost importance in terms of seeking for better strategies. Within this context, Lean practices offer a wide variety of advantages and provide means for achieving greater success in projects. This study investigates the use of Lean practices in post disaster management. Since post disaster management includes the activities to help community in rebuilding, Lean tools and techniques might be employed to better handle post disaster management processes. The study also scrutinizes the integration of Lean practices with the post disaster processes and encourages the community to compete against the destroying effect of disasters thanks to using Lean tools and techniques. The main contribution of this study is that it introduces Lean practices to be used in the post disaster management processes, which might potentially remove safety concerns in construction sites up to a great extent.
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